Who is Micheline?
What does Micheline do?
Micheline is a consultant with 25 years experience of international sales, focusing on the Middle East.
Offers services in all phases of a company’s internationalization process.
- Helps Swedish companies to grow internationally through counseling, information, networking and contacts.
- Organizes business trips in and outside of Sweden.
- Organizes seminars on various export markets, matchmaking and workshops.
- Works with importing goods from her native country Lebanon to Sweden.
- Helps Swedish importers to establish contacts with the Lebanese suppliers.
- Helps Swedish companies to choose overseas products that are suitable for the current Swedish market. (Product development and new ideas).
Micheline is Lecturer
Lectures about the success of integration by sharing her own experiences of moving to Sweden at the age of 21.
Informs about the road to success:
- How and in what way Micheline managed to establish herself in Sweden.
- Lectures about how she is helping Swedish export companies to establish themselves in other countries.
- Enlightens and informs about the Cosmopolitan program as taking a step into export will be much easier for Swedish companies with a cosmopolitan as a guide to the world.
- The importance of an international entrepreneur who has international business experience and background in other countries that knows the business culture, politics, language and religion, and that has good conditions to trade across borders.
- What makes a cosmopolitan a great export resource for Swedish export companies?
Research findings on the subject.
Masters four languages: Swedish, English, Arabic and French
-Teaching degree
-Managerial course
-Bachelor of Arts
-Diploma in Marketing
-Process leader
International consultant
Do you want to do business in Sweden as well?
Here are good opportunities to make direct contacts with Swedish companies interested to cooperate with your company!
Export, import, cooperation, joint-venture, development – there are many possibilities! Micheline Atallah will help you find the right opportunity for you!
Micheline Atallah, born and raised in Lebanon, lives and works in Sweden for 28 years. She has been committed to creating business and development between companies in Lebanon and Sweden during more than 20 years. Thanks to her contacts with authorities and governments in the countries, she has been helping companies to find the right partners.